Sunday 11 October 2015

What Is Neobux And How You Can Earn Through It

Neobux is a service providing company which serves advertisements .Neobux allow advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their advertisement(s) on its site and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements. 
Users click on the advertisements and view it for the amount of time defined by the advertiser's.
After viewing the advertisement the user get credited with pre-defined money in their neobux account.

The best part of this is you need not to pay any fee for registration you can start earning in neobux as a free member.

Viewing advertisements is  not the only way to earn on neobux.

There are many other things which you can do to earn money on neobux.
Things you can do to earn on neobux are listed below :-

1 -Viewing ads

As I had said it is a advertising website you can earn money by just viewing the website provided .
You can earn from $0.001 to $0.02 per advertisement view.

For each advertisement you click you will also be credited with adprize point .These adprizes are also advertisements. In each adprize you have the chance to win upto $0.25 - $50


Like its name mini jobs are the small tasks which are provided to you to complete within a limited period of time.In  return you get credit here you can earn from $0.01 to   $0.12 per task.

This is the  place where most of the free member earns  most .Many of the free member earnings are from $5 to $15 a day only from the mini jobs.
For every $1 earning from mini jobs neobux provide 15% bonus for free member for golden members it is 30%.

These tasks are very simple like they will provide a article and you have to search for the author name .

These task takes hardly 5 minutes to complete and once you are familiar to these tasks you can do it within 2-3 minutes. 


You can complete offers to earn coins and points, the earned coins can then be converted into real money. 
The offers may be you have to download app for your smartphone,sing up to a site ,complete a survey and many more.


This is the thing which most of the users do to earn huge amount of money.From huge a really means huge upto three figure earning in month.

Rental referrals are the users of the neobux which you can rent to click for you.
For every click they make you are credited with $0.005 (for free members). I know this doesn't seem much.

But if you have 100 referrals then if every referral click only 1 ad then also you get $0.5 every day and if they click 2 ads daily then your earning is $1 every day  with almost  no effort , all you have to do is just click 4 ads daily to receive all clicks from your referrals .

You can rent 300 referrals as free member and about 2000-unlimate as paid member .For paid members each referral click will credit $0.01 .

From the above you can make an estimate that  how much you can earn.Many of the old users having a clicking army an making about $100 to as huge as $2500 pure profit a month and even more. 
You can  use your neobux earnings to rent referrals

You can see proof of my words here   Proof1   Proof 2  

If you are interested in this here's are the things you will need in order to start

* An email address
* A paypal,payza, or neteller account in which you can withdraw your earnings(you can create it later just fill your email address again in the payment processor section for now)
or you can create it here PAYPAL PAYZA

Although I recommend paypal account as it credit in your bank account in your local currency

To register in neobux click here Register to neobux

Many users may be thinking that the earning are in dollars how can i cash out in my bank account.
Don't  worry about it as in this paypal account will help you it doesn't matter to which country you belong to.
I personally belong to India and use paypal as a payment processor to withdraw money from neobux.